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calm and less anxious. I shall be destroyed if I am not. Mary and Calvert went to a Reception at Dr. Hollands to meet Kate Field. I can hardly understand why I was not invited. Attended a Council meeting. The heat of the Council room is always very trying to me but I dislike to complain constantly. Had a latter from Annie Lee. The weather is remarkably mild. I have no fire in my studio and it is perfectly comfortable with only a fire in my bed=room.      

Tuesday Jan. 6. 1880. Rainy and dark. Booth came and I commenced the Benedict as it was too dark to work on the Petruchio. Made a very good beginning. Dined at Giffords with the Major and Julia. A very sweet and loving letter from Sara which I answered. I wrote her a long letter this afternoon but I concluded not to send it and wrote another. [[comment in other handwriting]] good! [[/comment in other handwriting]]

Wednesday 7. Booth came and I worked at the Benedick but had great trouble. I cannot make it look as well as he does. Still I am always troubled in the beginning. I wrote a note to Moore asking him if he did not want one of my autumn pictures in his gallery. He came to see me this afternoon and offered me $1000 for my "Autumn Idyl" and the "Falling Leaves" which I finally accepted. I want the money and if he can make more money he will want more. I feel relieved to think now I can pay our taxes and interest. Gertrude and Julia Dillon dined at Marys today. Gussie was up at the Roosevelt Hospital with Joe who has had an operation performed, successfully I hope. He was just coming out from under the influence of ether when Gussie came in. I wrote to Sara telling her of selling my pictures. Gertrude is going to Miss Doremus' school. 

Thursday 8. Moore sent me his check today and took away the pictures, and I have paid some bills. Booth came early and I tried to paint on the Benedick but the more I did the worse it got and I have abandoned it and will being anew. I painted on the Petruchio and improved it. Got some canvasses ready to work on as soon as I get these things out of the way. A Capt. Wallace formerly of the 8" Infantry called with N. H. Smith. Attended a trustees meeting of the Century.

Friday 9. A rainy day. Gussie called on her way up to see Joe. He is suffering considerable pain but is doing well. Booth came and I began a new Benedick. Miss Forsyth and Miss Miller called and I took them up to Giffords. Beard came in and we had a long talk. He is having a hard time as most of the artists are. Weir called for a short time. Dined at Platts with the Wheelers and Mr. Goodman. A nice letter from Sara.

Saturday 10. Booth did not come today and I painted all