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day on my Kaatskill picture. Weir called a moment and wanted me to go home with him. I dont get on very well with my picture. My heart is not in it. I am forcing myself to work but I hope to regain my interest. Went to a reception at Mrs. Fellows to meet Miss  Sampson a daughter of Commodore Sampson. All were strangers and young people and after talking with Mrs. Fellows and her daughters a little while I came away and went to the annual meeting of the Century, which was a very full one. There was a remarkably interesting show of pictures. I came home and went to bed at 1 o'clock but woke a little after five. I do not sleep enough and feel worried, and timid and unhappy. 

Sunday Jan. 11. 1880. Mary, Julia, Gertrude (Tula) Marion and I went to Dr. Bellows Church. Mr. [[?]] of Springfield preached a most interesting sermon. His idea was to try to live a true life and that God would be brought near us and we would be sustained through all trials. It was very comforting to me. After church we went around to the Century to see the pictures and after dinner I came over to my studio and wrote to Sara and sent my father a check for $864. to pay our taxes and interest. 

Monday 12. Booth are and I painted on the Benedick and advanced it a little. After he went I drew in a picture. Attended a council meeting in the evening. A few of us have concluded to get a model and draw from the life at the life school on the off nights beginning next Tuesday. A nice long letter from Sara. 

Tuesday 13. A wild snow storm today. Cleared in the afternoon. Worked all day on a new picture but with no great success. Booth did not come. If I could only get interested in a picture and could feel I was producing something I know I would feel better. Mary, Calvert, Julia and I spent the evening at the Thurbers. Mr & Mrs. Wheeler were there and Mrs. Wheelers sister Mrs. Howard. 

Monday 14. Booth came again today and I think I have about finished the three pictures except some little touches. I wish they were better but they are the best I can do. I did not sleep well last night. A letter from Sara, discouraged at