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mosaic pin Oscar brought her and which I had set, and also some lace. To Joe her little emerald stud. To Laura I sent a string of her Roman pearl beads and two pairs of her shoes one of them new and the other nearly so. I brought Gertrudes Venetian Ring to give to Gertrude Tomkins. It almost breaks my heart to part with these things but I am glad to have my own people have them and they will have to be scattered some day. My father was quite ill with a cold but better this morning. I am greatly troubled when he is ill. Found a letter from Joe Warren on my return, inquiring about a picture of mine to be sold at auction in Boston which I answered at once. I felt very sad to leave home and wished I felt free to stay there. Attended a meeting of the Council.

Tuesday Feb. 24. 1880. Booth was to have come today but sent a note saying he could not. I was disappointed for I was ready to paint on Benedick which nonetheless I feel is going to be a failure. Went to the dentists this morning. Down to the Pay masters to transact some business for Jno McEntee, up to Rocks and ordered a suit of clothes. Painted a little and prepared some canvasses but the day like so many others seems to have been frittered away. Wrote to Sara and kept busy doing a great many little duties. Joe Tomkins came in for a few minutes. Drew at the Academy from the life. 

Wednesday 25. Breakfasted with Joe Tomkins this morning at the Brevart House. When I came to my room I found a letter from Mr. Smith of Springfield telling me my small picture was sold also. A nice letter from Alice and one from Girard with insurance policy came. Booth came but did not feel in the mood for standing and we have concluded to wait until he comes back from Boston. Painted on a November 12 x 20 and went to see Wilmont about sending my picture to England. P[[?]] had a letter from his brother today telling me to where to send. Mr. Morse and a Boston lady called.