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three times in about fifteen minutes. Stedman told me how he had meant to have had all of Stoddards debts paid for him and get him a place at the Harpers and advise him to go to Summit to live but that Lizzie had said that Mr. Harper refused to help them long ago and that in Stedmans present feeling towards Stoddard they could not accept any favors from him.

Thursday March 4" 1880. I went home on Saturday and returned yesterday with Gussie. I was not well and thought it prudent to remain. Girard came to me to help him out of money troubles. I thought he was doing well and am much discouraged to find out the actual state of affairs. My father is sick but I think was getting better when I left. Found an invitation to dinner at Giffords. Jas. Gifford was there, Lillie Wilkinson, Mr & Mrs. Wheeler & Dora and Eastman Johnson and his wife. From there we went to Booths to a reception to Ole Bull and his wife. I had a pleasant conversation with each of them. They seemed very charming people. Mrs. [[Youmans?]] was there, whom I have not seen before since dear Gertrudes death. Mrs. Putnam, Mr. & Mrs. Judge Daly, Mrs. Bigelow (very queer) Marie Booth looking very pretty, Mr. Bisphan Du Chaillu, Bishop Putnam, Mrs. Stedman and others. We had a very charming evening and I feel better today than I have in a long time.

Friday 5. Gussie and I went to Booths performance at the Academy of Music last night for the Herald Irish relief fund. The house was packed. Booth played 1 act of Hamlet one of Othello taking Iago and the Taming of the Shrew with Marion Booth as Katherine. Ole Bull played and Cary, Campanini, Galassi, Behrens and Valleria sang. Mr. Weeks called yesterday and asked my price for my academy picture for a lady who wants a picture of mine. Today I painted on