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see that Booth is no longer young. Finer and more subtle in his art but losing some of the charm of youth in his appearance. Mrs. Bowers as Beatrice was pretty good but not young and pretty enough. Monthly meeting at the Centre in the evening. Sent my "Sources of the Delaware which I have painted on and improved. I had many commendations for it and the artists seemed to like it. It was a pleasant meeting and I staid late. 

Sunday Apl. 4" 1880. Sometimes I ask myself why I keep this diary. I have a talk with myself and it is a brief record of each day and often good for reference. Mary, Calvert and I went to Arthur Brooks church expecting to hear Philips Brooks but heard Arthur instead. The church was dark and his preaching seemed mechanical. Seemed like a man with no eyes for he did not once look at his audience but rather down and at one side as though he were addressing a male angel which stood there. The sermon did not help me much to get rid of the sadness of these city Sabbaths. After church we called on Annie Norton at the Windsor. After dinner came to my room and wrote to Julia Sharpe and to Sade. After tea went up to Booths. They were in great confusion but sat down and we talked of the magazine article for Harper. In the midst of it Hutton came in and presently a whole lot of people and I came away in the midst of a pouring rain. I had an interesting talk with Ward at the club last night who lost his wife soon after Gertrude died. He talked with great frankness about his state of feeling and said some things which accorded with my own experience and some which did not. I am to dine with him on Wednesday. 

Monday 5. Attended Geo. A. Bakers funeral at Trinity Chapel. There was a very large attendance of artists and we walked into the church together immediately after the family. Many of the artists who were in their prime when I came to New York are gone. Kensett, Greene, Baker, Hayes, Irving, Gray and many more. My time will come before long but I do not shrink from it as I once did. The morning was bright and spring like, but dark and showery in the afternoon. I painted the sky over in my Indian Summer picture but felt sad and depressed. Attended the council meeting in the evening. I wrote to Stedman about the article on Booth. He telegraphed me it would be impossible.