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Friday Apl. 16. 1880. Wednesday Gifford, his wife and Mary and I went up to New Haven by the 11 oclock train to visit the Weirs, and returned Yesterday in the afternoon. The weather was very warm. Weir took us after lunch, a very pleasant drive to the shore of the sound yesterday we visited the College and the Art School. Mrs. French and Lily were away from home. I went to the dinner of the G. B. Club in 23" St last night. There was a very full attendance. A letter from Sara last night and one from Lucy this morning. Painted most of the day but have felt very sad and my thoughts have been with dear Gertrude. Called on the Bachelders this evening at the Coleman house and on Fred Sawyer and his wife. Came to my room and wrote to Mrs. Weir. 

Saturday 17. Mary Gifford and Mrs. Folger of Hudson called. I went home by the Cornwell at 2 oclock and had a tedious journey. The wind blew a gale and we did not arrive at Rondout until half past 8. Tom met me. It had rained very hard the day before. Sun

Sunday 18. Sade and I walked over to the cemetery in the morning taking Jamie and little Charlie with us. The grass was growing on dear Gertrudes grave but the litter which covered the plants and flowers had not been removed. Darling Gertrude! What agony wrung my heart to think of you gone from me forever. The world seemed so desolate and I so helpless to bear its loneliness. I could not bear to stay there. We returned home. The wind began to blow about 9 o'clock and we almost concluded it would not be pleasant to drive to High Falls as we intended to but about 11 oclock it seemed to promise to be less windy and we started. The wind gradually lulled and we had a pleasant drive. The season seemed far advanced there as in N.Y. The grass green and the trees showing buds and in the woods we picked some hepaticas and some arbutus not fully bloom. We dined at Annies. Found Fred, Lily and Aunt Christina there and Annie came later from Sunday School. We had a pleasant visit and started for him about 5.30 by Mr. Auchmoody and so across to Lucas' Turnpike