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He said he had had people examine them and he hopes to sell the two smaller ones and told me again he thought I would sell the one in my studio to Mr. Goodmans friend This was some encouragement but the slavery of living on these slender expectations is woeful to me in my depressed condition. From here I went to Marys to lunch and after lunch we went to visit the new [[?]] ship "Columbia" on board of which there was a reception by invitation of Mr Willard. There were throngs of people there, many friends and the occasion was very pleasant. There was a collation and dancing. In the evening we went to Mrs. Stones to meet Mrs. L[[?]] where we met every one we knew. Mrs. Stone assured me early this winter she was going to have one of my pictures and has repeated it since, but has evidently concluded to do without it. I can not say anything about it, but I saw there pictures by Gifford, Whittredge, Bryant and others and reasonably thought I ought to be represented. While I was at Marys waiting to go to the steamer reception Carrie Wilkins Potter and her husband came to make a call. She looked very pretty and sweet and happy but had grown stouter. She talked as though money were scarce, rather to the Captains annoyance. It was the first time I had seen her since just after her marriage

Wednesday Apl. 28. 1880. Painted a while but with no heart. Booth came in and we sat down and talked. He said he thought I needed the stimulus of encouragement. That it was hard to paint when I could not sell my work. He said he wished he were sure enough to advise me to go to England with him but as it was an experiment with himself he did not feel like insisting on my taking so important a step unless I feel positive it would result to my advantage. Just then Mr. Pell came in and he staid a couple of hours. Has just returned from Florida. I changed the blue trimmings on the Hamlet costume to purple at Booths request. I always liked the purple best as he used to wear it. Not knowing what to do with myself I went to the Fraternity meeting with Mary and Calvert at Mrs. Willards. Clarence Cook read a very [[?]] paper on Spring. I had a note from Mrs. Weir telling me she had sent my letter about Miss Bracketts school to Lily. Jansen Anderson came to see me about going fishing Monday and Church was in in the morning. I am very troubled and wretched. The same old story.

Thursday 29. Painted a little sketch for Mrs. Booths album. Dined at the Thurbers with Mr & Mrs. Judge Choate Mr & Mrs Wendell, Mr & Mrs Van Valkenburgh, Mr & Mrs Gifford & Mr & Mrs. Wheeler. Had to leave in the midst of a pleasant