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and I miss her very much. Attended a council meeting last night. I wrote to Sara yesterday. Mr. Nells came in with my bill for rent but I told him I could not pay it now. Today I have painted all day on dear Gertrudes portrait but I do not make it much like her. Booth and his wife came in this afternoon and staid a couple of hours. Gifford was here and his wife came in. He bought her the sketch he had made for Mrs. Booths album and I showed her mine. She was delighted with both of them. She looks very badly and has an ominous cough. She looks to me very much as though she were in a decline. I gave Booth the book which Pell left for him, from Bostons library. Spent the evening with Booth and his wife at the Brunswick Hotel and had a very pleasant time with them alone. I called at the Stoddards early in the evening and spent an hour with Dick and Lizzie. The troubles of life seem to have touched them pretty heavily.

Wednesday May 12. 1880. The annual meeting of the Academy, but I had arranged to have Booth come and stand for Benedick which he did about noon and I worked until 4 having made a pretty good beginning. Healy the artist called. I have not seen him since we were in Rome. He had not heard of dear Gertrudes death. I introduced him to Booth whose wife he knew and he had painted Mrs. McVickers portrait. Healy is a man of great sincerity of manner and always has time to be attentive and polite to his friends. Julia Vaux came with Mr. & Mrs. Mendelsson, Mrs. Lewis and Miss Fanny. Mrs. M is an ardent admirer of Booths and was delighted to meet him with whom she had a very pleasant conversation. They made a long call and after they left I went up to the Academy meeting. The business was nearly over before I arrived but I staid to dinner which was one of the pleasantest ones I ever attended at which their was no boisterousness. I sat near Weir and Eastman Johnson. The old officers were all elected and the following new members of the council - J. B. Bristol J. Q. A. Ward, H. N. Robbins, Brown, Calvert and myself being reelected. The Academicians were elected B. C. Porter of Boston L. C. Tiffany and Geo. H. Yewell. Five associates were chosen A. F. Banner, Geo. H. Mc Cord, J. C. Nicoll, W. Eastman, R. M. Shurtleff

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