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not look as it did when we were there and I have no regrets for having given it up.

Monday May 24. 1880. I went home on Saturday 18 and returned today having had to attend to the repairing of the cistern at my home and some other things. I have decided to let Josephine and her husband live in my house to take care of it occupying the kitchen dining room and front hall. 
Friday 21 Sara and I went up to Hudson to visit Mary Gifford and to see Alice H[[?]]dts little daughter named after dear Gertrude, a lively child who seems to have been born with dear Gertrudes sweet nature. I gave her Gertrudes little topaz cross and chain which Mrs. Broughton gave her when we were in England. We came home the same evening. Calvert came up that evening in the boat and remained until today. Saturday Sara and I looked over Gertrudes things and I gave away a great many things which only were a care without being of any use. It was heart breaking work but I know it ought to be done. I had my rooms cleaned while I was home. Sunday Weirs brother Charles dined with us and he, Calvert. Maurice, Sara and I drove over and called at Capt Andersons I wrote a letter to John Weir. Calvert and I came down this morning by train. I found here two notes from Lily French and one from John Weir so cruel in its tone that I cannot rest until I have seen him and had a talk with him. Also a note from Mr. Chickering dissatisfied with his picture. I heard from Calvert by a letter from his mother that my picture is hung in the Royal Academy but found no letters here about it. Booth came in and said he had seen a notice in the Tribune that it was hung and some comments on it from a London journal not all favorable. I confided to Booth my note from Weir and all the circumstances and his feeling was one of indignation that he should have written me such a note. I did not send Weir the letter I wrote yesterday but wrote him a short note to tell him how cruelly his words hurt me and asking him to arrest his judgement until he and I could have a talk. I am in the depths of sorrow and discouragement. I cannot bear to think that Weir could write to me thus and shall be most unhappy until I can