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Tuesday 8. June 1880. Stedman intended to go by the day boat but I proposed that we drive down the river road call on John Burroughs and go to Pokeepsie and he take the boat or train from there, we call on the Wilkinsons and came home on the other side of the river a proposition which was received with favor as it was a charming day with a breeze from the North. My Mother and Sara went along. Just this side of Burroughs place we meet him in his carriage on his way to the village of Esopus. He told us to drive in at his place and he would be back by the time we were there, which was the case. We spent an hour with him. I never met him before. He struck me as a simple strong, natural character and I asked him to come to see me when he came to Rondout. We staid there a few minutes too long, just missing the ferry to Pokeepsie and so Stedman missed boa and train and could not leave there until 4.50. So we went to the R.R. restaurant and had our lunch, put the ladies in the street car to go to the Wilkinsons and we walked up to smoke a cigar and stop at his office, but we met him and walked to the house on the way. The announcement was made that Garfield was nominated at the Cincinatti convention for President. Staid an hour or more at his house and left there at 4 coming by Hyde Park to Rhinecliff, and come over on the 7.10 boat having had a pleasant day, although thro' it all I had a sense of melancholy and depression chiefly I think from a derangement of my digestion. I think Stedman had a pleasant visit and he enjoyed the ride very much. Had Peters from Hall telling me he had deposited my money for my pictures sold at the Academy to my credit in my bank $799 and a note from Edwd. Brown. 
Wednesday 9. Went down town this morning to get my hair cut and to do some errands. After I came back I made a seat to my camp stool and then went over to my studio and began another sketch for "Telling the bees" with a figure in white but somehow I can do nothing satisfactory. However I do not worry over it and hope to do better. Sara and I took some roses and put them on dear Gertrudes grave. She loved roses and I never see them that they do not vividly recall her. I called down at John McEntee's in the evening but he is out and we only saw Nannie.