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Charles D. Eytinge, John R. G. Hassard, B. E. Wolf, Henry G. Parker, Joel B. Erhardt, Alexander Taylor, A. E. Lancaster, W. S. Andrews, Rev. G. C. Miln, W. H. Fuller, J. S. Warren, J. H. Beard, Dr. Charles I. Pardee, Ames Van Wart, A. E. Summer, G. W. Carleton, Dr. H. L. Sims, J. T. Ford, Robert Collyer, B. K. Phelps, W. B. Hutchings, A. S. Hewitt, George T. Ferris, J. A. Stow, George R. Goodale, R. B. Roosevelt, Charles Pope, Major J. M. Bundy, John E. Sayles, William Bond, C. S. Smith, Judge Daly, Alexander Masterton, Jervis McEntee, E. Johnson, Rev. Dr. Houghton, Rev. Dr. Ewer, W. Whittredge, R. A. Johnston, Rufus Hatch, E. E. Rice, C. Fairchild, C. Guild, Steele Mackaye T. J. MacMahon, W. F. Gill, G. R. Blanchard, Parke Godwin and D. G. Boucicault. 

Went up to Eastman Johnsons in the evening after the breakfast and he and I called at Stedmans. They were getting ready to leave town tomorrow. Weir came down to the breakfast and he and I had a satisfactory talk but only for a short time. 

Wednesday June 16" 1880. Called on Dr. Pomeroy to see about my difficulty and had the satisfaction of finding that it is gradually disappearing. Went down town and bought some binders boards. Weir came in and we had a long and interesting and confidential talk. He urged me to go home with him but I did not feel at liberty to do so although I would have liked to. I came home by the Powell. It has been lovely cool day. Found Mary & Marion and Cornelia here and Jamie Andrews also whose school has closed. Sara has had passes sent her for herself and Jamie and now I presume they will soon be going out to Nevada. I am very sorry to have her go for I shall miss her very much. A long letter from Alice. I wish I could go and make them a short visit. 

Thursday 17. Went out on the Commons and made two sketches in oil, more from a sense of duty than any other. Innes was on the Powell when I came up yesterday and told me how eager he was to get to work. Had been to down for a day or two and regretted the interruption to his work. I wish I could have this feeling again and I hope to. I think if I had a companion it would help me in that way. 

Friday 18. Have been at work all day at my studio on a design for a stone at Gertrudes grave and have at last produced some thing which will satisfy me if it is not too costly. I saw the red granite in N.Y. which I had settled upon, and I did not like it at all and so have had to make another design to be executed in Indiana lime stone of a soft grey color.

Saturday 19. I arose feeling very wretched, thinking of dear Gertrude and of how empty and forlorn my life is without her. Her companionship is the one thing I keep longing for and looking for and without it there seems no real satisfaction in life. More to pass the time than for any other reason I took my box and went out towards the cemetery and made 

Transcription Notes:
can't make out the last name of first entry in newspaper clipping (OK now)