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Monday June 28. 1880. The weather extremely hot and dry, and the wind blowing - most mournful weather in which I am useless. I have painted a little on a small portrait of her but with not much success. Sara and Jamie and Cornelia left this evening on the 8.44 train for Rhinebeck for Fort Halleck, Cornelia for Rochester. Cornelia looked very badly to me today but seemed to feel better this evening. Girard and I went over the river with them and put them on the train. The train was behind time and we had to get them on board in a hurry. Just before we started for the ferry a great black cloud and squall came out of the West but we had only a few drops of rain. I shall miss Sara very much. Life is melancholy here now at the best and it is much more so when she is away.

Tuesday 29. Have done many things today. Took the wagon down to the shop this morning and went after it again this evening. My frames came from N.Y. and I spent a part of the day fitting the pictures in them and hanging them. I hung the "Song of Summer" over the mantel piece in our room, Loops portrait of Gertrude on one side of it and my portrait of her on the other side. Loops drawing of her I hung at the head of my bed. They are all where I can see them the first thing when I awake and always when I come to our room. I carried my "boards" for painting on over to my studio and assisted Josephine with some matters there. I began a letter to Sade who tonight has put many miles between her and us. The Tribune brought an account of the burning of the "Sewahnaka" near Randalls island, a frightful disaster where at least fifty lives were lost by burning and drowning. All these things will have a dreadful effect on Mrs. Booth. They are to sail tomorrow. I have not heard from Booth and I did not now how to write to him. I hoped to have a letter from him before he sailed. I wonder how the poor fellow is feeling. All these sorrows and misfortunes of others ought to show me how much happier I ought to be than many people and I try to be content but cannot help great depressing and loneliness. I hope we will hear from Sade tomorrow. 

Wednesday 30. Drove up to Lake Mohawk via Lucas' turnpike and Coxan bridge. A very comfortable breezy day, very dusty but the wind blew it from us. Gertrude and Marion went along. Arrived there at 11.30 and found Julia Vaux at once who was spending a fortnight there with Mrs. Mendelson and her daughter. Staid there to dine. Met Miss Maria Miller there who looked very pretty. Gertrude used to call her that pretty Miss Miller. Mr. Smallie was very polite and took