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Saturday July 31. 1880. Painted this forenoon. Went to the Strand in the afternoon and made a gate for the well in order to lock it up as it is getting very low. Lulu Wadsworth lost her hat in the well and I fished it out with my pickerel hook. A letter from Mrs Weir, a rather brief note in answer to mine of a few days ago. It seems Emma has a little boy which I did not know before. Bowyer came up on the Powell.

Sunday August 1" 1880.
Bowyer and I took a walk after breakfast over on the Common and he took Park down to the creek and gave him a swim. Returning we stopped at the cemetery and I placed some daisies, Thyme and Immortelles on dear Gertrudes grave. Have written to Sara and to Eastman Johnson. John and Nannie, Lily & Miss Delapresse called this evening. It has been a very warm day.

Monday 2. Bowyer went by the Powell this morning. I took him down. After breakfast I sawed down the celebrated Foster peach tree we used to make so much fun of and a dead pear tree besides cutting out a number of caterpillars nests. It was very warm and I got very heated. This has I think been the hottest day of the season with a strong wind a day of all others I most dislike. I have a theory from the observation of several years that August is a cool month. I mean to note the weather this month. A letter from Sara written last Monday. She intends to start for home the 30". Just four weeks from today. I painted on my picture this forenoon but it was too hot to attempt to work this afternoon. I have felt very lonely and depressed and shall be very glad when Sara comes home.

*Tuesday 3. Rainy day and so cool that we had a fire in the dining room and found it very comfortable. I went to Rondout and got a letter from Mrs. Sawyer, one from Booth from Glasgow and a note from my agent in London telling me it is impossible to get my picture from the Royal Academy without a certain little blue form which I am to return to him and which I know nothing about. Began another picture today. Wrote a note to Downing and one to Geo Hall and a letter to Janette.

Wednesday 4. Rained all night and all day. I have felt very sad and depressed and as though I could hardly get through the day. I have been painting but I am so lonely and unhappy that I take no pleasure in my work. I had a note from Julia