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Thursday Aug. 12" 1880.
Painted in my studio all forenoon. A letter from Mary from Hillsboro, one from Sara to my mother, a letter from Mary Gifford giving me an account of Sanford who she thinks a little better but not much I fear from what she writes. Mr. Bachelder wrote me a note and returned me all of Gertrudes letters which she had written to his wife. I have been reading them. What lovely letters so full of sweetness and interest and so like her dear self. I dont wonder that she made every body love her. Another beautiful day. Mrs. Crowell called with Miss Colin while we were at tea. She and Mr. Crowell are going up to the Rangely lakes on Monday.

Friday 13. Made a couple of shelves for my claret this morning and then went over to my room and painted some morning glories. While I was in the midst of it word was sent me that Mrs. Wilkinson (Robt's mother) who was boarding up near Dashville had come to stay a few hours. She staid to dinner and returned about 5 o'clock. Mrs. King and her daughter were here also to dinner & tea. My Ms. was returned from Scribner today at my request. It has been a pleasant day but pretty warm. Girards little baby was brought over this afternoon, its first visit. It is only six days old but looked like a child of a month old at least with its great cap of dark hair. There is something very interesting in this beginning of a life. How much of trial lies ahead. How much to learn. I wonder could it all have been revealed to him if he would have accepted the conditions.

Saturday 14. A note from Mary Gifford from N.Y. with accounts of Sanford up to Friday night. Fever still continues with great weakness, also a note from Julia from Hudson this evening with news from home a little later but sharing her very little improvement. Painted this forenoon and this afternoon have read and spent most of the time pretty sadly in my room. A letter from Sara written last Sunday beginning to think of home.

Sunday 15. A cool day with wind from N. So cool that I closed my windows as I wrote and my feet were cold. My father has had a fire in the dining room all day. Wrote to Mary Gifford and long letters to Mary Vaux at Hillsboro to Sara at Fort Halleck and to Mrs. Sawyer. Maurice and Mrs. Livingston called. Had had a letter from Julia Dillon from Switzerland. Was to sail for home Aug. 28 same day Sara leaves Halleck.

Monday 16. Another cool autumnal day. I went to the Strand with my mother and found letters from Mary, Mary Gifford and Weir. Discouraging accounts from Gifford. He seems