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to be growing weaker all the time. A letter from Robt. Wilkinson this evening says, I do not understand that the physicians doubt his recovery. Weir is at his brothers in Orange Co and wants me to come there today. They are there alone. I wrote him I could not come and gave him the reasons. I walked out on the common this morning and stopped at the cemetery. Victor told me the man had made the foundation for the stone at dear Gertrudes grave. I was very much surprised that they should have done this without apprising me and before the stone arrived. On looking at it I fear it will have to be changed somewhat. To our great distress Maurice has gone off again.

x Tuesday 17. Awoke feeling badly. Went to the Strand and got a letter from Alice in Londonderry, Vermont with her two children and one from Mary Gifford saying Sanford was the lowest he had been and the doctors acknowledged him in a very critical situation. Came home and sat in my room a headache coming on. Am reading "Emilia" a very pretty story. Have just finished Miss Bremers "Home" The only thing of hers I ever read. Not very exciting. Quaint and beautiful, no more. Letters in the afternoon from Alice [[Haystadt?]] giving me the same news from Gifford that Mary sent. My head ached all night and I did not sleep at all. Another autumnal day.

Wednesday 18" Another cool day. The house has seemed so lonely and I have thought so much of dear Gertrude. I went down to the Strand this morning to see if the stone for her grave had come but it had not and there was no word of it. A letter from Mary Gifford. Sanford very low but the doctors hoped his symptoms were a trifle more favorable. I am expecting any day to hear he is gone. I have felt most lonely and depressed partly I think because I am not well. Took a walk out on O Reillys farm toward the rocks with Park who is always ready for a walk, then came to my studio and worked a little. My father went way up the canal to be gone a day or two. He too feels the dullness here. Finished "Emilia" a very charming story by the author of "My little Lady".

Thursday 19. A windy day with indications of rain all day. Have been in my studio nearly all day. A note from Mr. Bachelder from Pokeepsie last night and one from Alice [[Haystadt?]] A telegram from Robt. Wilkinson this morning from N.Y. telling me Sanford was no worse, that the fever was broken and today would decide. A note from Mary written last night seemed to leave but little hope. I wrote to Downing asking him to go and see why the stone did not come. Mrs. Hathaway, Mrs. Taylor & Mrs. Rura dined here and Mrs. Cornell & Mrs. Van Deusen were here at tea.