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Friday Aug. 20 1880. Painted a little in the forenoon. In the afternoon went to the Circus taking little Jimmy with me. Girard took Charlie who was greatly entertained particularly with the horses. It was a very hot afternoon. The circus seems to have degenerated. There was not much riding but considerable acrobatic performance. Such shabby ways of raking in money by extra charges, extra concerts, extra seats, and the sale of poor refreshments at outrageous prices. Still the circus is always amazing and the circus is always new. The last one I went to was at the White Sulphur Springs three years ago with dear Gertrude and Bayard Taylor and Mrs. Taylor. No news from Gifford today. Telegram from Mr. Bachelder saying he would come tomorrow.

Saturday 21. Mr. Bachelder came by the Eagle this morning from Pokeepsie and returned by the 4 o'clock train. I was very sorry he could not stay longer but I greatly enjoyed this short interview with him, the first time I have seen him since his wife died. I had a letter from Ellin and Kitson telling me the stone was finished and asking me whether I wanted to see it or whether they should send it. Wrote them to send it. A note from Mary Gifford telling me the family had all been sent for but were going home again that day (Friday) as the crisis had passed. The fever had left and although he was at the lowest point of weakness the doctors did not expect the fever to return and now looked for his recovery. Bowyer came up with the Powell and Minnie Coan also. Joe, Laura and she arrived in N.Y. on Friday. Minnie was expected via Albany and yesterday Mrs. Davis went up there to meet her and come home with her.

Sunday 22. This has been a sweet sad day to me filled with tender memories of dear Gertrude, one of the days when I seem nearer to her. I have been reading some of her fathers and mothers and Alices letters to her during her illness and was deeply affected by one of her fathers written the day we left College Hill reproaching himself for letting her go and that they had not done enough for her. The reading of these letters cost me many tears but they showed me afresh how much they all loved her and how anxious they were for her. I wrote to Mrs. Sawyer this evening and a long letter to Lucy this morning. Bowyer John & Girard have been off all day fishing at Glen Erie. It has been a perfect day. Mrs Van Duesen brought over a night blooming cactus for me to see, sent up by Mrs. Cornell.  

Monday 23. Bowyer went by morning train. The singers for the Saengerfest arrived this forenoon and received a warm welcome. I went to the concert at the Armory in the evening.