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Studio at Rondout
x House & Land     Sara
x Curtains         Sara
  Pictures & Sketches
x Schmidt blue chair Sara
x Old cabinet        Sara
x Tables & chairs & Sofas Sara
Liquor case

x Tea spoons 
x Table spoons
x Ladle        

Mrs. S. Alice

Studio N.Y.

Venetian Glass
x Caned seat
x Prie Dieu
x Mahogany table
x Baltimore chair
x 2 antique chair
x Painting table
x Large Indian Jar
x Burns Autograph 
x Portrait by Leutze
x Copy of Murillo, Vandergoes
x Sappho, Medallion
x Gifford Medallion
  Girlhood Medallion
x Picture, P of Weir
Sketches in Frames
Books and articles of value
In caned seat

x Brocade curtains & tassels
x Crewell embroidery Mrs. S Alice
x Yellow table cover
x China in old Cabinet
x Old salver from Rome. Mary
x Plated vase in closet
x China harlequin sett Julia
x Gertrudes tete a tete sett given her by Oscar. A
x Glass and all the articles of table furniture in closet.
Portfolio of Engravings
  Portfolio of photographs
  All other studio furniture
  Pictures in Bedroom
x Gertrude's Guitar  Tom.
  Blue silk Sofa
Books and articles of value on shelves in bedroom.
 Bedroom furniture including toilet sett &c, bed and bedding