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Wednesday Oct. 6. 1880 A letter from Butler asking me to come over tomorrow to begin arranging Giffords pictures. Telegraphed Weir to meet me at the Museum tomorrow forenoon. He answered he would. Telegraphed Butler I would come. A nice long letter from Eastman giving me an account of his trip to Mt. Desert. Wrote to Janette and made a sketch in the morning from the front of the house looking across the river. Nannie & her Aunt Mrs. Van Deusen took tea here and spent the evening. I go to New York tomorrow by early train. The color is getting to be very fine but the wind blew all day and it was unquiet, people said a lovely day but not one of my days. 

Thursday 7. Went to N.Y. by early train. Arrived at Spuyten-duyvil an engine was off the track but we switched around it and I arrived at the Museum half an hour late. Found Weir there. He had already begun to hang the pictures. There were about 60 pictures of Giffords there but the small studies and sketches were not ready and several important pictures had not arrived. We hung them all by six oclock and so did all we could do at present. Butler came in and asked us to meet him and James Gifford and Robt Wilkinson at 9 at Giffords Studio. I dined at Marys and went to my room just before 9. Weird came and we went to Giffords room where the others were. Talked on matters connected with our business until midnight and looked over his studies selecting 23 more to be framed and we concluded to go home tomorrow to be called down again when everything was ready.

Friday 8. Breakfasted at Marys after sleeping at my room which seemed doubly lonely. After breakfast took the 23 sketches to Wilmonts to be framed and then went down town to [[Mengers?]] to see about other pictures and how he was getting on. Fitch and I lunched in my room and I came home by 4 o'clock train. Old Major Mapes was here yesterday and Pa rode about with him to show him the changes that had taken place here since he went away more than 30 years ago

Saturday 9. I opened the box containing the breakfast sett of Old Nankin China which Oscar Sawyer sent to my mother. The cream pitcher had a piece broken out of the side and a handle was broken from one of the cups. I took a walk out beyond Ludlum's crossing. The Flatbush road near where it enters the wood, down with the swamp and home back of the Alms House & Ludlums. It was very warm and the color very brilliant but I saw nothing which was really picturesque. All the streams and swamps are dried up and I cant help feeling this drouth all the time