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about it and I heard some wonderful things, and much more interesting than I ever heard before on that subject. Weir and Mrs. Weir had been witness to some remarkable things which they confidentially related to me. It has interested me greatly.

Sunday 7 Nov. 1880. Brown came down to Weirs and spent the day. He walked all the way, two miles at least. Was very tired but soon got over it after a rest. We had most interesting talks on their spiritual manifestations all day. Weir has always felt as I have on the subject, decidedly incredulous, but what he received has affected him very much and I confess it seems extremely important to me and well worth pursuing.

Monday 8. I came to New York this morning. Lunched with Mary. Mrs. Weld and Emma Brace were there. Went to the studio Building and saw Beard. He had Agnew at his room yesterday and had a talk with him but could not tell me all he said as I had to leave by 4 oclock train. My trip I think has encouraged and brightened me. Found two letters from Eastman one enclosing a brutal article on the Gifford memorial exhibition from the World, which I had heard of but had not read and telling me of an accident to his brother Phil further news from whom he was awaiting. I wrote him a short letter, wrote to Wilmont and to Rev Butler sending a check for expenses on my picture from London, which I have sent to the Corcoran Gallery at Washington.

Tuesday 9. Worked all day in my studio. Finished the picture for Sara's fair and began a picture 20 x 24 of a foggy autumn landscape based upon some things I saw on my way to New Haven. Took a walk on the commons before tea. I feel much better, more hopeful, less unhappy and am interested in my work for which I am very thankful. A letter from Mr. Bachelder and one from the Corcoran Gallery telling me my picture had arrived and was nicely hung. I am writing my paper on Gifford for the memorial evening but I find it is very difficult to express myself about him. It will be very brief. 

Wednesday 10. Painted all forenoon on Gertrudes portrait for Mrs Sawyer but only made it worse and worse. My father and mother and I took a ride in the afternoon taking cousin Rachel with us. We went around by the River road to Flatbush and home by the Roa=tina. A letter from Mary Gifford