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Wrote to Weir asking him to go to N.Y. Saturday to attend Sara Bernhardts reception.

Thursday Nov. 11th 1880. It rained hard this morning but cleared during the forenoon. Have worked all day in my studio on the little portrait but it is not good. This afternoon began a new one.

Friday 12. Worked in my studio all day on the little portrait of Gertrude and think I am making it better. I can't tell until I look at it with a fresh eye.

Saturday 13. Went to New York by the early train. Mary, Calvert, Julia and I attended a reception to Mr. & Mrs. [[?]] D. Conway at Stedmans. I had a brief interview with each of them. Met many friends, Mr & Mrs Youmans, Mrs. Bullard Holt, Miss Reid, Miss Hillard and many others. In the evening Calvert, Mary, Lily Taylor and I went to M'lle Sarah Bernhardts reception at the Theater of the Union League to see her pictures and sculpture. The sculpture seemed the better of the two, but both showed no inconsiderable cleverness. I was more interested in her. She seemed a rather prepossessing woman and not so sensational in manner and appearance as I had expected. We were not presented as we might have been, but we could not depend upon our French well enough to seek an interview. We went early and before we left there was a great crowd. Afterward Calvert and I went to the club. Stedman came there with Mr. Conway but I did not speak with him.

Sunday 14. Went to Chickering Hall with Mary, Calvert, and Lily Taylor to hear Conway on "The Religion of Humanity" He had many new and excellent suggestions and struck me as a man of thought. I was very much pleased. Joe Tomkins came to Marys in the afternoon and we walked up town together. He seemed a little unhappy and undecided. I called at Mrs. Wilsons and took tea with them. After tea went to see the Butlers (Ben) at the Florence.

Monday 15. Came home by 11 oclk train. A freight train off the track at Peekskill delayed us nearly an hour. Found a letter from Lucy and one from Weir. In Lucy's letter was one from Sedgwick to Santa Claus telling him what he wanted. Wrote to Booth and to Mr. Ferris a young man who wants me to advise him about studying art.

Tuesday 16. Went to the Strand this morning and had my hair cut and ordered a protection made for the stone at dear Gertrudes grave. The day has been bright and cold and ice nearly one inch thick formed last night. Worked all day in my studio mostly on the little portrait which I mean to leave now for a time. I continue to feel more at rest and less unhappy.