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who wants me to look at his work. James Gifford from whom I received a letter today about a son of Josiah Tully who wants to talk with Vaux about the study of architecture and Miss Leggett who wants my name in relation to some readings for her reading room. I asked Guy in to see my pictures but he and I see things very differently. This evening called at Platts. Saw Mrs. Platt, but Platt had gone to see Sarah Bernhardt. I am afraid I will not see her. I have very little money and no immediate prospect of any and this begins to trouble me. Came to my room early and went to bed with a lonely, homeless feeling hardly knowing how to get rid of the time.

Wednesday December 1. 1880.
It had snowed in the night and was raining when I went over to breakfast and it has been a dark day. Hall, J. G. Brown Hubbard and Wood called to see me. They all seemed to like my pictures which I brought down with me and seemed to think I had been quite busy. This encouraged me for it did not seem to me I had done much until lately and it was also encouraging to find my work still interests them. I drew in a little picture and hope to paint on it tomorrow. Wrote some letters. To Jas. Gifford, to Mr. N. B. Tully and to Sara. Mr. Ferris the young man who wrote to me to asks me to look at his sketches came this forenoon. I had to tell him kindly that I would not advise him to think of becoming an artist. His work was of the worst possible kind and I don't think he seemed to see how bad it was. Called up at Eastman Johnsons but he had gone down to the Union League Club. Spent an hour with Mrs. Johnson.

Thursday 2. Commenced a little picture 15x18. Dined with Eastman Johnson and attended a meeting of the Trustees of the Century.

Friday 3. Painted on my little picture but not satisfactorily. Church came in and staid a long time. He looks much broken and has rheumatism very badly. I am afraid it is some thing more serious than rheumatism. Called at the Stoddards. "Uncle Edward" was there. Dick and I went round to the club for a little while.

Saturday 4. Began to repaint my picture of Waste Places Just returned from Chicago which looked black and uninteresting when Joe Trebly came in. He staid two hours but I worked meanwhile Julia Dillon came shortly after he went to tell me she had heard from Sara and that my picture which I gave her for her fair had been drawn by Mrs. John L. Hartwick. Went to the century monthly meeting. Did not have a very good time. My picture looked very well and was pretty well liked I think, but I felt discouraged and so could not enjoy the evening. I came to my 

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