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Saturday January 1, 1881
12° below zero last night. Bowyer and I with Park took a long walk out to the Roatina and back across the hills. Cold and still but very beautiful and enjoyable. We had very few calls. The custom is said to be dying out. I am thoroughly enjoying this lovely winter weather, thinking tenderly of dear Gertrude all the time. I seem to be so much nearer her here and never come to my room that I do not instantly think of her and speak to myself her beloved name. But I have a more peaceful feeling for me nearer, that I am temporarily relieved from money worries. I think I could be reasonably contented if I could be spared these sordid cares while, philosophical as we may are degrading. Still very cold 50 below zero this evening.
Sunday 2 
 John McEntee came with his team and took Maurice, Oscar and Me for a ride to Kingston, out to Flatbush, around by Charlie Livingstons and across to the Saugerties road. Columbus Van Deuren was buried today. Wrote to Gussie in answer to her letter. There was a large fire in Kingston tonight. Old Military Hall and two other buildings burned in N. Front St. and two fireman lost their lives. No water and fortunately no wind. Zero this evening.
Monday 3
Oscar and I came down by noon train. Came over the river on the little tug in which must have been a hundred people. The ice was very thick and the ferry boat was going to lay up as the ice is strong enough to cross on. The train was late and I did not get to my room until 5 o'clock. Cards from the Marquands to Mr. & Mrs. Jervis McEntee and a letter from Mr. Kauffman sending his regards to Mrs. McEntee. How these things jar upon me. How little the people who know us know of our lives. Went to Geo Stevens this morning before I left and bought a couple of little Wedgewood things which belonged to Mrs. Quilliand and which Victor is selling with other things of hers. Attended a council meeting. The weather a little warmer but good sleighing in the city. A letter from Booth. John Pope the artist was buried today. 
Tuesday 4
Painted on my picture. It was dark in the morning but have had a good light nearly all day. Skinner came about 2 o'clock and asked me to go with him to the Union Square Theatre to see Clara Morris in "Miss Multen" an adaption of Earl Lyme in which I have seen Lucille Western and ((?)). It is a harrowing play and was acted with a certain realistic power but it has left a painful impression on me and I have felt sad and depressed since. I spent the evening with Mary all the rest of them having gone to their