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it. I had a letter from Alice and one from Gussie. Went to a reception at Mrs. Miller's but did not know any one and staid only a short time. There seems no use in my going to such places for I always come away feeling dissatisfied with myself. The days are heavy and sad and I cant help a dreadful feeling of loneliness which sometimes is almost despair.

Thursday Feb. 10" 1881. Rainy and dismal and I have been greatly depressed. Weir came in on his way home from Princeton and we had a nice talk. I was very glad to see him. I have not painted today. Dined at Platts with George Hall and Miss Rosalie Goodman. In the afternoon I went with Skinner to hear Henschel and Miss Bailey and enjoyed the music greatly because it was simple and it seemed to me a pure and good style.

Friday 11. Osman, Laura the baby & Maurice arrived from Hillsboro today. I spent the evening with them at Marys.

Saturday 12. Rained very hard. Went to the dentists early and had a tooth filled. Went home by 11 o'clock train. The river was covered a foot deep with water over the ice. Rode over on the stage and Maurice met me at the Maritime House. Went home greatly depressed. Heard of the death of Aunt Mary, John Swans wife.

Sunday 13. Colder again. Wrote to Booth from whom I found a letter at home. John McEntee came with his team and took Girard, my father and me for a ride and to Glen Erie where we crossed the creek and came home the other side. The creek was high and the ice gone from Glen Erie but the water was falling as it had grown colder. Mrs. Burgess died this morning. Poor old Mr. Burgess is left alone now in his old age and I pity him. He will not be long in following her. There is something inexplicably touching in this separation of old people. They celebrated their golden wedding in 1876 and had lived together more than fifty four years.

Monday 14. Came down by noon train. Maurice drove me over the river. It froze hard last night and is cold today and the crossing is excellent. Sade rode down to [[?]] with us. Lilly McEntee came down in the train and we sat together I am so unhappy and I know I trouble them all at home with my despondency. I feel so badly always to leave home and dread the city and take no pleasure in my work.

Tuesday 15. Banner called and in discussing the setting of his terms he told me of an arrangement we had made with Reichardt and though [[thought]] I could do something with him. We went together to see him but he was out and we are to go again tomorrow. Swain Gifford called to see about sending a picture to the Royal Academy