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Wilcox of Philadelphia called.  He asked about dear Gertrude and was shocked when I told him she was no more.  He had never heard of her death.  It gave me a great shock too, to know how little we knew of each others sorrows. Averys daughter was married this evening.  I would have gone but May with whom I was to go went to Rondout today  with Cornelia Ellis who has just left the hospital and as I was not well I did not feel equal to going alone.  I went up and spent the evening with Eastman Johnson to talk with him about his sister Hatties death  I am not feeling well.

Wednesday Feb. 16" 1881.  Went with Banner and had an interview with Reichardt the result of which was his coming to my room to see my pictures.  The interview was not very encouraging to me.  If I sell my pictures through him I shall have to sell them at half price, but perhaps I had better do it than to sit in my studio and do nothing.  I sent him my "Vermont autumn" 20 x 24 for which he is to send me $300 if he sells it and he is to get $500 if he can.  The idea is for me to let him try my pictures for a while to test the market and see what he can sell them for.  I dont anticipate much from this.  The fact is I am discouraged and have not the energy and enterprise to fight my way.  I thought after I had made my reputation I would have got through all of that.  Have had a head ache all day.  Was obliged to take a half bottle of Champagne which arrested it but did not cure it.  I slept badly.  Mr. Morse and Miss Bigelow called.

Thursday 17.  Went to see the Water Color exhibition.  In the afternoon Marion and I went to hear Franz Rummels piano recitals.  He played Mozarts, Beethovens' Chopins & Listzs music and as I thought charmingly.  Many of them I had heard dear Gertrude play and I thought of her all the time and regretted that I had not been able to afford her more opportunities to hear music which was such a necessity of her life.  Dear loving woman!  She never demanded anything but meekly denied herself always.  In the evening [[?]] and I went to [[?]] theatre to see Will Hopper in a "Hundred Wives".  I was greatly disappointed in him.  He seems to me without talent and yet the audience seemed greatly entertained.

Friday 18.  Mr. De Forest came to see me and bought my Sources of the Delaware for $350 as a present to Rev. Dr. Storrs who was a classmate of his.  While he was here I had a telegram from Mr. Bates for me to send him his little picture, which I think Mr. De Forest would have taken for $250 if I could have let him have it.  We had a long and earnest talk on the future