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has cut up her Uncles Panorama of Versailles and she wanted me to see her and advise her about it. I unrolled some of it. It is of little interest now and I told her to take what she could get for it. We spent a couple of hours there and walked back in the rain.

Monday March 21. 1881. My fathers 81" birth day. I could only give him a small remembrance, a little match box. He is well and bears his years splendidly. Had my hair cut and was weighed - 130 lbs. Worked on a design for an illustration of Taylors Pennsylvania Farmer. Some time ago I spoke to Sara about giving Lucy one of dear Gertrudes dresses. Sara wrote her and she would like have it, so I got it out today and it brought darling Gertrude back to me so vividly, but sharper still her loss. There were the laces in the neck and the sleeves just as she put them there with her own hands. O how these mute trifles stir our very souls. I was entirely overcome and the tears fell in spite of me. We packed it up to send to Lucy tomorrow. 

Tuesday 22. Took a walk over to the cemetery visiting dear Gertrudes grave. The snow is all gone from it and a robin was singing near by. His cheery voice could not make a cheering response in my heart but rather a thousand tearful memories that almost crushed me. I walked across back of OReillys and out to the view and back across the common where dear, darling Gertrude and I have walked so often. I always think of what she wrote me about how sad it would be if she should come to walk there alone and I gone for ever. I did indeed feel alone remembering her. I wish I could stay at home. It almost breaks my heart to come away. However it must be so. I came down by the noon train with a sad heart. I love to be at home with Sara and my own people. Called on Mr & Mrs. Moseley. We met Mrs. M. at Mt. Desert as Miss Perkins.

Wednesday. 23 At work all day in Giffords room getting his pictures ready for the sale. Reichardt called. He has not sold my picture and is to take the Indian Summer (20 x 24) and try it. It is from my study on the outlet of the Kaatskill lake. Dined at Robbins with the Council of the Academy and Eastman Johnson to meet Bridgeman. Sat at table until midnight. A very elaborate dinner and a pleasant time.

Thursday 24. Ordered a pair of pantaloons at Nicolls "The Tailor" an experiment. Took my study to be lined and bought