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a box of Water Colors for Little Jimmy. At work again in Giffords room. Spent the evening at Eastman Johnsons. He told me that Mrs. Sanford Gifford is in great distress because she has been told by Col Wilkinson that she is to have no share in the proceeds of Sanfords pictures and that she has all she is to have. I am greatly annoyed and troubled by this for it seems evident to me he meant to make her independent which she will not be now. She thinks W. is her enemy and is doing every thing he can in opposition to her interests. I do not like to believe this and I have so much respect for all the Gifford family that I cannot help believing they will carry out the spirit of Sanford's will regardless of the letter of it. I certainly hope there will be no disputing his will or his evident intentions. Any thought that such a thing could happen would have been shocking to him.

Friday 25. Went to Union Adams's and ordered about $100 worth of goods upon Mr. Van Derlips order who is to take a picture for it. Called on Julia Dillon. Her picture has been rejected by the American Artists and in the Academy her principal picture is badly hung down in the lower room. Painted on Giffords pictures finding out edges &c and repairing damages. Mr. Dod called. A letter from Dr Pelton wanting me to come up next Thursday to go trout fishing. Mr. Skinner gave me tickets for the Opera and Mary and I went to see "Favorita" with Camp, Campanini, Galassi and [[Marti?]]. It was excellently given. Reichardt called today and told me he could sell my picture to Abner Harper. He offers me $220 and two pictures one by Broughton and one by Von Schendel or $275 in cash I am to go to see the pictures tomorrow.

Saturday 26. Went to Reichardts to see the pictures. Broughtons  one early one "Comin Thro the Rye" not good. I accepted the $275. Went up to New Haven by 3 o'clock train. Beard came in the car and we sat together. I was much entertained by his quaint conversation. Weir met me at the Station. Beard went on further to visit his wife. Went to Weirs studio and to see his [[layer-head?]] of the Woolsey he is modeling which looked very promising. Always a pleasant welcome from his wife. Her niece Clara Greble was there.

Sunday 27. Went around to the Studio in the forenoon and had a talk. In the afternoon took a walk. Cold and windy and dusty. Sat near the fire in the evening and talked late.

Monday 28. Went to the Studio in the forenoon. A gentleman called to get Weirs advice about a statue of Governor Buckingham for the State Capitol. After lunch we walked over to Mrs. Ewells the medium and I had a sitting with her in Weirs presence. The usual unprepossessing surroundings which Weir however had prepared me for. Some very remarkable things were communicated of which I have made a record of all I could remember. I cant help being interested nor can I pretend to account for what was communicated. I am going again on the 21" of April.