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Tuesday March 29. Came home by 8 oclock train. Clara Greble came along to the city. Found a letter from Sara and one from Alice. Went up to the Museum to look over Giffords pictures to see if any of them wanted toughing. Worked a little on my design for the Pennsylvania Farmer. 

Wednesday 30. Went home by 4 'oclock train. Three or four inches of snow in Rondout and cold as winter. 

Thursday 31. Came down to N.Y. by early train. Cold and wintry. Went up to Dr. Peltons Mt. Kisco by 3:50 Harlem train. He met me at the station. Very unpromising for our friday excursion. 

Friday April 1. 1881.
After breakfast Dr and I drove up to Mr. Woods who took tea with us last night, when he harnessed his team and we drove over to Lyon's brook east of the railroad. Fished down that [[strikethrough]] to the mill [[/strikethrough] and caught 4 small trout. Went to Beaver dam brook and fished down that to the mill with no success. Lunched and drove home as it was getting colder. Stopped at Mr. Jas Woods and warmed ourselves in front of his fire and then drove back to the Dr's. Staid there over night

Saturday 2. Much colder. Came to N.Y. by 9 1/2 train - got in town just in time to take 11 oclock train to Rondout. I fear Nannie is on the eve of giving up again. Found a letter from Booth full of discouragement about his wife My father had gone out to Whitestown. I am afraid he will have an uncomfortable time. 

Sunday 3. Took a walk around the Cemetery and went in to our lot. It looked wintry and sad but I tried to believe dear Gertrude was not there. They had cut down the hemlock tree. Came home and wrote to Weir, to Janette and Dr. Pelton sending him dear Gertrudes photograph and my own taken when I was 21. Maurice staid at home all day but I fear he is on the wrong road again. I wish I could help him but seem powerless to. Sara is trying to do something towards getting him into an institution in Boston. She is full of perseverance and energy. I wish I did not feel those qualities giving way in me. 

Monday 4. Went over to the Cemetery with Tom and took the covering off the stone at dear Gertrudes grave which I put on last fall to protect it. Wrote to Alice and to Lucy giving them a brief account of my visit to the medium. Came down by noon train. Mr. Laster put his niece in my car. Found a note from Miss Hillard asking me to