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Sunday Apl. 10" 1881. Wrote to Booth, to Lucy and to John Weir. Took a walk with Sara to the Cemetery and around back of OReillys. The robins were singing cheerily and a feeling of the coming spring was in the  air although there is still much snow on the mountains. Maurice came home in the afternoon and went directly to his room. We have to look for this now at intervals of a month or two.

Monday 11 Painted a little on my illustration for Taylors poem from my father. Drove down to the Point taking little Charlie and young Wadsworth along. Came down to N.Y. by the noon train. Lily McEntee came along. Many things at home to make me anxious for my deepest interest is with them there. I read dear Gertrudes letters and for the time seemed to have her near me. Nothing brings me so close to her as these dear letters which she wrote me from the depths of her love for me. Went to the Century at 5 o'clock to meet Gordon. He did not come. He telegraphed me Saturday that Butler offered the smaller Parthenon at $200 and wished me to write my advice to him at the Century. I advised him to buy it, and I learned from Mr. Huntington that he did receive it. Attended the Gifford sale. The pictures did not sell nearly as well as I expected, for I had formed a high estimate of Giffords popularity. Saturday before I went home I called to see Thompson who has arrived from Florence and is in Fitch's room. He looks so sad and I feel the old tender feeling for him, as of something restored to me from my lost youth. He thought I had not changed at all and looked even younger than when he went away. I am glad to have him back here again. 

Tuesday 12. A note from N. H. Fuller asking me the price of my picture which he saw on Saturday. Painted on it and improved it. A rainy day. Went down town to see about getting a student lamp fixed for home. Thompson came in in the afternoon. He had received a letter from Booth. I was sorry I could not ask him to go to dinner with me as he was alone. Went to the Gifford sale. The pictures brought better prices. The one Mr. Gordon wanted me to bid on for him at a limit of $200 went for 515. The Parthenon brought $5100 and was bot by Mr. Kauffman for the Corcoran Art Gallery. I sat with Mrs. Gifford and Major Wilkinson. After the sale I took Mr. Kauffman to the club. Reichardt sent me a check today for $300 for my Indian Summer (on Spruce Creek)

Wednesday 13. A letter from Mrs. Weir asking me to come up there on Saturday. A rainy day. Painted most of the day. Began a picture of Scribners pasture. Dined with Mrs. Gifford at the Park Hotel with Sara Wheeler & Miss Townsend. Called up at Eastman Johnsons. He was out. Spent an hour with Mrs. J. Came to the Century and found Eastman & Thompson and Collins there.