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Thursday April 14" 1881. Wrote to Mrs. Weir that I could not come up on Saturday. Painted on my "Scribners picture" Mrs. Gifford called to see me and Mary came in while she was here. Eastman and [[L?]] Thompson happened in while they were here. Mr. Kauffman called in the forenoon to ask me if I thought Gifford had left any notes concerning the Parthenon which would be interesting to go into the catalogue of the Parthenon Art Gallery. The Union League club had their first monthly meeting in their new club house this evening. I was invited to send a picture but I have not cared to show my pictures there since they treated me so cavalierly. Went around to the Century after dinner but it was rather triste there.

Friday 15. Have not painted today. Took Mary, Julia and Marion up to the Union League club to see the pictures. There were three of Whistlers, his famous "Woman in White" which was a complete disappointment to me, for to my mind it is as ugly as the devil. Another picture which was once in the Academy - a woman dead or drunk by what is apparently the sea shore, strewn with fragments of stale pound cake. Such pictures insult my intelligence and awake my utter scorn. Thompson came in. It seems is like old times to see him here. Called on Mrs. Grey in the evening and went to the club. Thompson and I came home together.

Saturday 16. Painted a little on my [[S?]] Pastrue. Calvert and I went to the Academy for an hour. Went home by 4' oclock train. Jamie there for the Easter Holidays. Maurice at his worst and Sara taking care of him. Our good servant Elsie going to leave because she does not like the other girl.  

Sunday 17. Sade and I and Park went up Hussey Hill Followed the shore of the creek to the valley opposite [[?]] and then up the little stream where I used to catch trout. The wind blew but it was a good day to walk. Met Harry Crispell at the foot of the hill looking for arbutus. He went to the top with us. We went almost to the second peak. Got home tired and very hungry and feeling the walk had done us good. Wrote to Gussie in the afternoon. Sara had had a letter from her. Laura and Gertrude down with measles, and Laura quite ill and threatened with Pneumonia. Joe telegraphed her asking her if she would come on if necessary. I think they are troubled about Laura as we all are. Maurice is in a dreadful condition and we do not know how he is to come out of it. Sara is attending him and full of