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Julia Vaux and Emma Brace called while he was here. Went up to Eastmans after dinner but they were both out. Have not felt well today. Went around to the club. Met Beard and [[Bispham?]].

Thursday Apl. 21. 1881. Went to New Haven by 11 oclock train. Beautiful spring day. Weir met me at the station. We lunched together, went to his studio a little while where he showed me  his large head of Woolsey which he has put in plaster and intends to put in bronze. It looked very vigorous to me though I told him I thought the treatment of the hair not broad enough. From there we walked out to Mrs. Ewells where I had an interview which was not satisfactory. Came back to his room and then to the house where I spent the night.

Friday 22. Came to N.Y. by morning train. Met Fitch and Thompson at the studio door and went to a German place to lunch with them. I am afraid Thompson is being led away by his old habits. He was nervous and excited and drank three glasses of beer. I dont see how any one can work who does such things and I am afraid he will not get to work. He is too easily led away I am afraid. He has flattering prospects for work and I hope he will improve them but I fear he will waste his time. Mary called with Kemble & her sister Mrs. Bolles. Prof. Weir called. Went to the club a little while in the evening.

Saturday 23. Hubbard and I called on Prof. Weir. He paints every day and seems hale and vigorous. His pictures are not strong but it, is something to retain ones interest at his age. Mrs. Hawes neƩ Addie Dinning called. The first time I have seen her in many years - a widow now with six children She had her little girl with her. Seeing Gertrudes portrait standing on one of frames she said "Oh there is Mrs. McEntee. How is she" Had never heard that she is dead. Went home by 4. o clock train. Jamie Andrews who is home for his Easter vacation met me with the wagon. Sade sick with a head ache. 

Sunday 24. Warm hazy day with S. wind. Jamie, Park and I took a walk down the Wallkill rail road towards Greenkill looking for arbutus. did not find much but met several young fellows looking for it. So warm we sat with the windows and doors open even in the evening. Wrote to Booth, Weir. A letter from Booth dated Apl 11. They are only waiting for Mrs. Booths death. Her reason is gone. He is full of anxiety. - Maurice staid home all day for the first time. I read dear Gertrudes letters about Lucys & the babys going away. These soft spring days are full