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heart. I had a letter from Maurice Homesick and unhappy. Each has his trouble. Called on Miss Nesmith in the evening. From there to the Century where I met Sarah, Mr. Haskell & Mr. Delano whom I had an objection to on account of an embarrassing position he once put me in. He was however so unconscious of it and withal so friendly that I couldn't remember it against him.

Saturday May 21 1881. Mr. Howells called. Regretted I could not accept his invitation to dine with him on Tuesday. Mr. Haskell called. Finished packing my things and left town for the summer by 4 o'clock train. Found Joe Tomkins at Rondout as well as Mary and Maurice. A letter from Mrs. Lane regretting she could not take Miss Ford and full of a tender recollection of dear Gertrude.

Sunday 22. Maurice has had an offer of a situation in the Freeman and Sara has written Dr. Day to see what he thinks about his accepting it. Mary and I went to the cemetery and took a beautiful bouquet of lilies, snowballs, & fleur de lis. In the afternoon Mary, Girards wife and the three children and I drove out to Mrs. Burnhams to see if she would not take Miss Ford. It was very muddy as we have had a hard shower today. Mrs. B. hesitated about Miss Ford and is to let me know later.

Monday 23. Beautiful day. Joe, Victor and I went to the cemetery to see about grading our lot but Victor is hard to start. I cant find out when he will do it. In the afternoon my mother and I went up to Bunyans and bought some plants.

Tuesday 24. Tried to paint a bunch of lilacs, snowballs & fleurs de lis but failed utterly. Commenced another picture of Gertrude from the enlarged photograph which came today. Joe, Mary & Marian left today and now it will be lonesome here. A letter from Miss Nesmith. Answered it and wrote Miss Ford and Lucy.

Wednesday 25 Painted on the little picture of Gertrude. I began it with umber & white and should see what I can do in this way. Went to the Strand after dinner to see about my trunks which did not arrive with the rest of my luggage. Walked down to the Point to pay for more cigars and home by the upper road. It was extremely hot and I almost feared a sun stroke. The hot weather uses me up completely. We sent Maurice money this evening to come home. Had a letter from him & one from Dr. Day saying he had better take the place