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Thursday May 26, 1881. My room was cleaned today, taking all the things out and giving it a thorough overhauling. I feel that I ought to be at work painting but dont know what to do. 

Friday 27. Finished arranging my room and putting away my things. Sheared Park who was suffering with the heat. Painted a little while in my studio and then walked up to see Mr. Cro[[?]]. Found him lying in his bed looking to me like a man very near his end. He talked very animatedly but only in a whisper. I staid as long as I dared fearing to tire him. I should not be surprised to hear of his death at any time. Now that Maurice is coming home it seems he is not to have the place in the Freeman. Sara went to see Mr. Clark. He is going away to Troy and that has changed the whole think. I dont know how this will affect Maurice. Pa went to Troy by the boat today to visit May Waldo and will return tomorrow. I am beginning to trouble as to what I am going to do. Saw by the Tribune this evening that Booth is to sail for home June 18" Have written him this evening. 

Saturday [[strikethrough]] Friday [[/strikethrough]]] 28. Painted all day on Gertrudes portrait and have improved it. It has been a cloudy day with a little rain in the morning. Sara, Girard and his wife went to N.Y. on the Powell with the Eastman College excursion. Maurice came home from Boston looking remarkably well. Pa came home from Troy. A letter from Miss Nesmith. 

Sunday 29. Wrote to Janette, Miss Ford and May. Went to the cemetery directly after breakfast to see how the Petunias were doing I set out there this week and to cut the grass on dear Gertrudes grave. Joe Tribby came while I was there and we took a walk around Posts farm and over the hills above Wilbur. Joe has left Rondout and is living at Mt. Vernon. He seems serious and rather sad. After dinner Maurice, Girard's wife Sara and I drove out to Mrs. Buchan's to see a Mrs. Philips who wants to take Miss Ford. I saw her and she wants her to come. I think it a good place so far as I could judge. A shower came up and we could not leave until nearly seven and we drove home through the mud. Found John, Maurice & Robbie here. The Conkling question came up and as John is a Conkling man my father got at him. I kept still. Then the colored cadet question which is always the red rag to Maurice and he exploded in one of his violent fits of uncontrolled