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temper and there was a most disagreeable scene. Evidently he has not become an angel in his three weeks discipline. I am at present in despair about him. He has no control over himself and I fear never will have.

Monday 30. Decoration Day. It was very showery all afternoon and interfered with the services. I took my mother, Mrs. Davis, Jimmy and little Walter Jones over to the cemetery to see the procession and the decorating the soldiers graves. There were a great many people there and I dare say there would have been more but for the rain. We did not stay long. I took flowers over this morning and put them on dear Gertrudes grave. Painted this forenoon and a little this afternoon. Wrote to Mrs. Fred Sawyer about her picture. I did not send the letter to Whittredge as (I have nearly concluded to go out to Nevada)

Tuesday 31. Went to the Strand and afterwards made a sketch from the front of the house looking over the river. This afternoon went down to the Point and gave Park a washing. Heavy thunder showers and grand effects. A letter from Booth telling me he is to sail for home June 18 and expects to return Aug. 17. Is going to bring his wife over if she lives and her parents are to stay in New York and take care of her. He and Edwin want Julia Vaux to go back with them and I have written her today advising her to go. A letter from Lucy hoping I will come. Wrote her I had finally concluded to come if they sent the passes.

Wednesday June 1 1881. John McEntee came for me with his team to drive up to the New "Hotel Kaatterskill" building in South Mountain having some business there. We left about 7 1/2 o'clock drove up through Saugerties, Quarryville to Palervill where we fed the horses. It was a most lovely day with a light breeze from the North and the drive was most charming and exhilarating. We drove up through the Close to Schutts arriving there about 1:30. Van-de-nater was there and everyone was very polite and attentive to us. After dinner we walked up to the new hotel stopping to see old Mrs. Scribner and "Liney" or little 
Annie as we used to call her. Old Mrs. Scribner looked just as she did when I first knew her and it seemed to me had on the same frontispiece and black cap. She didnt know me at first, because I had

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