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grown stout she said. They have sold their place for $600. It only cost them $300 she said, but can stay there as long as they want to. Have bought a farm under the mountains. Annie was upstairs wrestling with a mop or some other damp operation, but I called to her to come down to see an old sweetheart who once loved to hold her in his arms and who loved her very much. She was shy and modest but as pretty as one of Hannas pictures even with her poor dress and frowzy curly hair and her arms and hands red with hard work. The road goes up through Scribners upper field and turns north to the hotel about a mile nearly east from Scribners. It is an immense affair but nowhere near finished. It stands in a place we did not much frequent as it was covered with a tangled over growth. The new road from Palenville up to the house was to be opened for trial tomorrow. We returned by the Sunset Rock path to Fairy Spring and so around by the path above Druid rocks until we struck the iron pipe by which water is to be [[?]] to the hotel, which we followed down to the brook at the other end of Scribners first field where they are building a reservoir and a large [[laundry?]]  right on the track where Sanford, Whittredge and I used to go to sketch along the stream.

Thursday 2. Staid over night at Schutts and that morning drove home via Stony Clove. It rained in the night but the clouds rolled off and this shadows in the mountains, the pink June residue and the lovely air made it especially a day to drive among the hills. I stopped and saw Mr. & Mrs. Ruffen. They have a large house entirely changed from what it was. I was surprised at the number and size of the new houses all looking fresh and indicating prosperity. Nearly all the old weather stained houses are gone. Through the Stony Close we saw the indications of the country railroad in the line of trees cut by the sawyers. Stopped and saw old Mr. Connelly. He looked very old and told me he was 86 in January. I asked for Mrs. Connelly and he said she was in her grave, had died only about three weeks ago. At Lanes we stopped a few minutes. Mrs. Lane was cleaning house, whitewashing, but I went in to see her telling her I knew how to whitewash and had often done it. Ed was there, alone and hospitable as ever. John and I made an arrangement to go out there on Saturday to fish for a day or two. The rail road is nearly all graded

Transcription Notes:
Stony Clove is a location in New York. Druid Rocks is a location in the Catskills. Sunset Rock path/trail is in Palenville.