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today to see if the moths had got in there. They look so like her that it brings the tears to my eyes to think she once touched them even. O what an infinite loss she was to me. I realize this more and more as I grow older. Sara went yesterday to see a poor young man by the name of Paul who has Hydrophobia. Her description of his sufferings almost made me sick. He is only 21 years old and has been married only a few weeks.

Saturday June 10" 1881. It still rained this morning but about noon cleared off and I finished painting the porches. Sara brought a Miss Hamilton home with her, a school teacher Mrs Hathaway & Mrs Cornell called and Mrs. H. got her silk dress into my paint- Called at John McEntees.

Sunday 12. There was a total eclipse of the moon last night about midnight which I fortunately awoke in time to see. A beautiful day after the rains. Took a walk over beyond the cemetery and brought home some laurel. Went to church with my mother, Miss Hamilton and Sara. Mr. Clarks sermon was dry and not interesting to me. The singing always affects me and brings tears to my eyes, for I think of my dear Gertrude and how her sweet voice used to rise over all the others when she sang in church. It was communion Sunday and we came away leaving my mother there. I always feelso turned out on such occasions. Gillett and his daughter Kate called. He was very garrulous and talked freely of private and family matters particularly of his son=in=law. - Dewitt Roosa came to see me about renting my house, but I told him I did not want to rent it. Miss Hamilton returned to Kingston having much enjoyed her visit. Wrote to Jake Sharpe - Poor Mrs. Matt. Snyder died yesterday after suffering a long time with a cancer.

Monday 13. It rains nearly all the time, rained this morning but cleared up in the afternoon. I finished painting the porches and went to Rondout twice on errands. Mary and Marion came by day boat. I am glad to have them here. It is so much more pleasant when we have company. No letter from Lucy and  dont know yet whether I am going to Nevada. A letter from Fred Sawyers wife.

Tuesday 14. Rain again. I want to paint a morning sketch of the house but the sun has not shone for more than a week in the morning. Wrote an account of my