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Fresh Ground Feed


Coarse and Fine Meal, and Fresh Graham Flour.



A.S. Staples.
of superior English make: famous for durability and elasticity: great variety of styles suited to every kind of writing.
For sale by dealers generally.
THIRTY-SIX assorted samples for trial, including the celebrated "U" AND "FALCON" Pens, enclosed in a useful metal box, by mail, on receipt of Twenty-five Cents.

138 AND 140 Grand St., New York.

Real Estate in one of the best localities in New York State, for a paying business, embracing a 
ood[[good]] Dwelling House, cellar, garden a never failing 
well of good water, blacksmith shop, barn, wagon 
nd[[and]] carriage shop, coal shed holding 500 tons of coal, 
he[[the]] largest coal trade within seven miles, an excel-
ent[[excellent]] site for a foundry or any other manufacturing
usiness[[business]], having 500 feet canal frontage, ten large 
ement works within three miles from the spot
nd[[and]] within one fourth of a mile from Wallkill Valley
Railroad depot. A rare opportunity for an enter-
rising[[enterprising]] man with a little capital. Good chance given 
o[[to]] buyer. Reason for selling is old age and unable 
o[[to]] work.
Wm. H. Bogardus,

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE–WHEREAS, Joseph Drake, of Kingston, Ulster County, New York, by his indenture of mortgage bearing date the first day of July, 1873, for the purpose of securing the payment of the sum of four hundred dollars, old convery and mortgage to Edgar B. Newkirk, of the same place, the premises hereinafter described which said mortgage, with the power of sale therein contained, was recorded in the office of teh Clerk of the County of U ster[[Ulster]] July 29th, 1873, at 1 o'clock P.M., in Book of Mortgages No. 118, at page 217,&c.; and, whereas, said mortgage has since been duly assigned to Reuben Bernard by general assignment dated April 13th, 1880, and recorded in Ulster County Clerk's office in Book of Deeds No. 223, at page 11, April 14th, 1880, and assigned by the said Reuben Bernard, as such assignee, to Anthony Benson by assignment dated March 8th, 1881, and recorded in the Ulster County Clerk's officer in Book of Mortgages No. 158, at page 246, etc., December 27th, 1881; and, whereas, no action has been brought or other proceedings taken to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof, and on which there is claimed to be due at the time of the first publication of this notice the sum of one hundred and eighty-four dollars and fifty cents; and, whereas, default has been made in the condition of said mortgage by neglecting to pay the principal and interest secured thereby according to the terms thereof, notice is hereby given that in pursuance of said power of sale and of the statute in such case made and provided, the said premises as aforesaid mortgaged, and therein described as follows:
All that certain lot of land situated in Kingston, N.Y., being Lot No.4 of lands of said E.B.Newkirk, and bounced as follows: Beginning of Henry Street, at the bounds of the Bogardus property, and runs thence southerly along said Henry street twenty-eight and a half feet to lot of said Jas. Drake; thence along his bounds to the Wilbu-Plank Road; thence along the same easterly eighteen (18) feet; thence at right angles with said Wilbur Plank Road to a point of intersection with the southerly line of the Bogardus property, continued till it meets the last mentioned line, said lot being twenty eight and a half feet on Henry street, thirty feet in width at the intersection point of easterly lines, and eighteen feet on Wilbur Plank Road, excepting a lot released from said mortgage by said Newkirk, of date of July 19, 1878, and recorded in the Ulster County Clerk's office in Book of Deeds No. 212, page 439, July 20, 1878, to which release or the record thereof reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said exception;
Will be sold at public auction at the Court House in the City of Kingston, said County, on the FIFTH DAY OF MAY, 1882, at 12 o'clock M. of that day, to the highest bidder therefor, and the equity of redemption of said premises foreclosed.
Dated February 9th, 1882.
Assignee of Mortgage.
Attorney of Assignee,
Kingston, N.Y.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS.–In pursuance of an order of Hon. Alton B. Parker, Surrogate of Ulster County, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against Andrew Snyder, late of the town of Marbletown, County of Ulster, deceased intestate, to present the same, with the vouchers in support thereof, to the undersigned. Sarah A. Snyder and Jacob L. Snyder, the administratrix and administrator of the estate of said deceased at the place of business of said Jacob L. Snyder in the said town of Marbletown, on or before the TENTH DAY OF MAY, 1882.
Dated November 3d, 1881.
Administratrix and Administrator
TERMS OF THE ULSTER COUNTY COURT AND COURT OF SESSIONS FOR THE YEAR 1882 – I hereby fix and appoint the several terms of the County Courts and Courts of Sessions, in and for the county of Ulster, for the year 1882, and until otherwise ordered, to be held at the Court House, in the City of Kingston, commencing on the second Monday of March, June, September and December. A Petit Jury will be required to attend at each term of said courts. A Grand Jury will be required at the June Term. 
County Judge of Ulster county.