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company of the 1" Cavalry stationed at Halleck, left for Arizona so that now Andrews is there in command with only his Co. There is no other lady at the post besides Lucy except Mrs. Mayer, the post traders wife. I feel that hereafter I should like to spend my summers somewhere in the Great West. Since I went away Capt. David Abbey has died also Gus Hasborough and Col Snyder. I repacked my trunks and sketches, and shoed my sketches to the family who seemed greatly interested.

Wednesday Sept 14 1881 Yesterday came the news of the sudden death of Genl Burnside a man I held in great esteem who was always ready to do his duty and could forget himself in his duty. Maurice has been painting the sleigh and I striped it for him and reframed my sketch box. This afternoon Maurice, Gussie and I went to the point to bath with Julia, Marian, Sara and Alicia Van Duran. Aunt Christina and Julia Dillon spent the afternoon here and John came up in the evening. Old Alice Leonard, Burgers & Dorings nurse.

Thursday 15 Wrote to Booth asking him and Edwina to come and spend Sunday with us and wrote to Alice and to Mary Gifford telling her if she were well enough to see me I would breakfast with her on my way to Boston next Tuesday.

Friday 16. Went downtown twice. I got no word from Eastman in reply to my letter from Fort Halleck. Have concluded to sent Jannies little wagon out to Sedgwick at For Halleck and ordered a box for it. I copied a piece of dear Gertrudes music "Would I were with thee" for Lucy. It seemed to me I could almost hear her voice as she used to sing it for me and the words were most dearly associated with her. I walked over to her grave this morning. Someone, Sara it must have been had laid a wreath of flowers above her in anticipation of my return. Coming home where there is so much to remind me of her. I think of her and feel that inexpressible sense of longing for her almost every hour in the day. Such a sweet reality to me and yet so far. The greatest satisfaction of my life is to think of her and to love her eternally.