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Monday Oct. 3. 1881. Marion and I went to N.Y. Got left by the ferry boat and were rowed over in a small boat. Met Julia Vaux, Fred Norton and Quinn at the Station on their way to N.Y. Came from High Falls. The whole Vaux family and I went to see Booth open at his theater in "Richelieu" He was enthusiastically received. Went to his dressing room and saw him Thompson was there, Nell Winter and Dr Barker. Called on Edwina in her box. Gave her a kiss and my congratulations. She was very happy. Downing was there of course.

Tuesday 4. A telegram from Sam Cuykendall saying he would be at my room at 4. He came, didn't seem to like the picture I had had returned from Hartford but finally bought my Autumn in Vermont for $650 for a wedding present to C. F. Youngs son. Thompson and I went to see "Patience" the operatic travesty on the "Aesthetes" It was very funny

Wednesday 5. When I went to my studio found a note from Sam saying he had changed his mind and instead of the picture he selected yesterday wanted me to send the "Reverie" to him at Rondout. He admired it very much yesterday. He pays me $800 for it. Just before I left for home as I wasa going up towards Broadway Fitch came running after me and told me he had had notice from Wells the agent of the Studio Building that Thompson must leave the building as he had been complained of by several of the inmates as a nuisance and a disgrace. I dont know when I have had any thing to make me feel so sad. What a disgrace, and how low he has fallen. What would his proud spirited wife say to that? I could not see him again but wrote to Booth that I thought the only way to help him was to have him go to an Inebriate Asylum for medical treatment and suggested the one at Boston where Maurice was. Came home by 4 oclock train. The weather has suddenly changed from stifling heat to almost freezing cold. Found a letter from Eastman ready to go to the Maine woods but no word from my guide. Also a letter [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] from Church. Decided to run up to see him tomorrow as I did not hear from Boynton