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300 Thursday Oct. 6th 1881. 


where we got into the birches. I shot a partridge on the way to Shad pond. Amusing incident of Royal blowing into the nose of the teapot to clear out the tea leaves. Got Fowler to carry boats over camp - Dined in upper end and went to foot of dam rapids where we camped.

Wednesday 12 Cool & cloudy. Two trips by birch to dam and got away by 10. Lunched on lower end of [[Pennadrumcook?]] Met a return party and John dickered for a new Birch. Got to Millinoket [[Millinocket]] camp at 4 & went into Camp-Round.

Thursday 13 but passed a comfortable night in our tent which is an excellent one. Left for Millinoket [[Millinocket]] at 10. Cloudy but not cold. Fired at a poor wounded duck on the lake until we were ashamed and left it. At Church camp found every thing dirty and dilapidated with a stone fire place built close up to the house. Went to work and cleaned up and soon made ourselves comfortable. Left a part of our load at the Camp In the evening the wind came from the N.W. and blew a gale. We slept a little cold. 

Friday 14" Clear and cold with a gale from N.W. The men went back to the camp for the rest of our things as we are so comfortable here we will probably stay and make this a home camp. I was content to stay in today. It is the third anniversary of dear Gertrudes death and I have been thinking of her and her last days and am glad to have no other thing to think of. We did some work about the camp and have passed the day pleasantly 

Transcription Notes:
did not transcribe underlying page 300 of Thursday Oct 6 as it appears in full later ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 18:42:41