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Monday Oct. 17" 1881. Grey, cold & still looking [[as]] if we might have snow. John started at 6 o'clock for Fowlers by the [[?]] road to take our letters and to see if any thing had been sent in for us. He got back by 1 o'clock having walked 24 miles. I went out with the birch away into the islands below the camp and after canoeing about a while stopped in a little cove and made a sketch of some autumn color. The lake was very pretty under the grey sky. I built a fire near me and was able to work very comfortably. It began to snow before I finished and I came to camp John had been back an hour. Eastman had made a nice little sketch of the camp We had our partridges for dinner. John had brought no despatches so we were at rest on that point. Although the weather is bad we are having a good time - Wat Daisey and Tim Reed came up the Millinoket [[Millinocket]] this morning and we invited them to breakfast with us.

Tuesday 18. Rained all last night after at a slight fall of snow and was still raining this morning. We shifted the fire place nearer the front of the camp last night and find it much more comfortable. Rained hard all day so that we did not leave the camp. Busied ourselves tinkering putting up an eave trough LC.

Wednesday 19. Blowing from the N.W. Katahdin white with snow and with fine clouds and storm effects about it. The men walked up to the camp to get some things we left there. Shortly after they left Carey and Reynolds came down in their birch from the camp bringing us some pickerel and white perch. They returned after an hour over the rough and windy lake. Watt Daisey & Tim Reed returned from up the river. As Eastman has to go on tomorrow they remained over night so that he could go down Millinoket [[Millinocket]] stream in their batteau. Too windy to do anything.

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