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Thursday Oct. 20 1881. We had breakfast for all hands at half past five this morning so that Eastman could get an early start. John went with him but he was to go down the Millinoket [[Millinocket]] in Daiseys batteau as being more comfortable. They got off at 6.30. The morning was still and it has been a pleasant day. I have been able to make three small sketches - one from the camp early in the morning and two around the point below here. Royal and I are alone in camp now. If I cannot keep at work sketching I fear it will be dull. I shall miss Eastman. He has enjoyed the trip and left very reluctantly. Royal found a mink in the trap just back of the camp this morning.

Friday 21. Foggy but still. We had an early breakfast and started for Wind brook. Foggy all the way across the lake but afterwards the sun came out and it has been a lovely day. The lake has been still all day and very beautiful under fine[[?]]. We went up Wind brook about three miles to the bend of the still water at the dam where I tried for trout with no success. Came back and had our dinner on a sandy beach on the lake near the mouth after which Royal took me to a point I had detected and I made a sketch. The sedgy margins of the stream were very pretty today with their rich browns. The lake was beautiful as we came back to camp toward sunset, perfectly quiet and a fine evening sky - We met Charlie Hale over there. His camp is near there. Wrote to Lucy this evening. I wish Eastman could have had this day here, the first really fine one we have had.

Saturday 22. Royal left his knife over at the 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 18:58:13