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sand beach where we had our dinner yesterday. We started after breakfast across the lake The wind blew but not hard. We found the knife and then coasted along the shore past Sandy Stream stopping at the Trout pond landing to leave a note for Charlie Hale who had gone up to Togue lake. Then we went along the shore into every bay as far as Grant brook near the bend of the lake, striking across to our camp where we arrived about 1 o'clock. The landscape was not interesting and I made no sketch. It was very pretty about the mouth of Sandy Stream but the wind blew so I could not paint. Took a walk up the tote road with my rifle. While I was gone Charlie and Betel came and went down the tote returning in about an hour.

Sunday Oct. 23. 1881. The skies were grey this morning and the lake perfectly still. Charlie and Betel slept in our camp, Betel odorous, but I am [[?]] tough. We packed up our traps and left the camp clean and in order at 9 0'clock embarked for the carry Charlie and Betel going ahead in their birch to help us across the carry. It was a lovely picturesque morning, warm and still with the clouds lazily floating above the hills. Got across the carry and started on [[Ambyigis?]] about 11 o'clock. Lunched at 12 on a sandy point and moved out and across Pemadomcock [[Pemadumcook]] past Gull rock. There was a slight breeze down the lake but it did not trouble us. Reached the opposite shore near an island but Royal thought the Joe Merry stream was above. We paddled up to the head of the lake two miles but did not find it. Returned and found it past where we struck the shore