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after crossing opposite the island. Found a pretty little bay with a sandy beach and pitched our tent. Began to rain gently, but we got nicely housed and had our supper in comfort. Still raining gently by spells but wind light from N.W. and it hardly seems that it can rain long. A most satisfactory day on the whole The lakes very beautiful all day.

Monday Oct. 24" 1881. Rained during the night and grew very cold towards morning forming ice. The skies were sullen and grey but the clouds gradually cleared and we have had a pleasant day. After breakfast we were making our preparations to go to the "Joe Merry" Lakes when a batteau passed with several lumbermen in and a birch with two men the latter stopping for a moment at our landing. George Hathaway's brother and another man who had been exploring for timber. We got off about 9 o clock, and went up the stream which falls into the lake just opposite the island. I walked around the sharp pitches. It was about a mile to the first lake which is very pretty. We went down towards the thoroughfare to the second lake and then turned toward the N.W. end and entered Pratt brook. All along this stream which is mostly dead water through wide meadows it was most interesting. Half a mile up perhaps Pratt brook proper comes in from the N.W. and curiously enough flows in two directions toward each lake. I fired my rifle several times at ducks at long distances and we saw plenty of indications of caribou. We passed the men in the batteau between Pemadumcook and Joe Merry dragging it up over the rocks and swift water. We went all round the second lake and had our lunch at the South end where there is a thoroughfare

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 19:11:54