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Wednesday Nov. 16" 1881. A beautiful day. The carpenters began the frame of the new barn today and all is progressing favorably. Victor Guillard came over after dinner to have me go to the Cemetery to see our lot which he had finished grading and had got ready for the grass seed. I was just on the point of going over and Gussie and I walked over there. It is nicely and satisfactorily done and my father has permitted them to cut sod in one of the back fields to sod the border, and that will be finished to my great satisfaction. Morier North died today having been ill only a short time. He was a good man and did more than his duty all through his life. I had a letter from Alicia today from Lawrence, and wrote to Mr. Clark of the Union Pacific R.R. Acknowledging the receipt of the ten dollars I found last June in the transfer depot at Council Bluffs and also to Mr. Patterson to know if he were still in Omaha.

Thursday 17. Went down town this morning and paid my fathers and my school tax and did a number of errands. Got some glass and put in the broken windows. The carpenters did not work today as the foundations are not sufficiently advanced. Had a dispute with Maurice this morning. He is so exasperating that I cant help checking him sometimes. He is a great trial in the family. A letter from Lucy.

Friday 18. A rainy day. The carpenters and masons did not work. Went down town and did some errands, after which I went over to my studio and built a fire and made a sketch of the storm effect I saw in the mountains at Fort Halleck, but it is not satisfactory. A card from Sara saying Julia remains about the same. Note to Eastman.

Saturday 19. Rained hard all day. Went down town to do errands. My father and I attended Morier Norths funeral at his house. It rained hard all the time and was a most dismal day to lay a friend in the earth. Mr. Willard spoke very feelingly of his sincere character and gave an excellent analysis of his character. Reed a note from Mrs. Gray and an invitation to the wedding of Mrs. Bakers son at church on Nov. 28"

Sunday 20. Splendid day - bright and clear and not very cold. Went to the Post Office this morning thinking we would hear about Julias condition but there was no letter. Received a letter from Royal Reed in which he tells me he has sent me some partridges Wrote to Miss Nesmith and to Mrs. H. P. Gray. Have just finished reading "Letters of Madame Sevigné, by Miss Thackeray. Very entertaining but too much curtailed as one of a series of "Foreign Classics" 

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