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saw by the Tribune and Herald that Vaux has with Olmstead been appointed consulting architect of the Park. This is a great triumph for him. I dont believe he will accept unless granted entire freedom and that they will not give him. Dora Wheeler received the two prizes $1000 each for designs for Christmas cards.

Monday Nov. 21 1881 Has been cold today with a feeling of snow in the air. Went downtown and then Gussie and I walked up to Kingston to do some shopping. I bought the cretonne for my bedroom chairs in N.Y. and some Christmas presents. We saw the new paving in Wall St. and the Fair St. extension, both great improvements. A box came by express from Royal Reed today containing seven partridges and some beech nuts. I have written him this evening and to Mr. Gates of the hotel at Mattawamkeag to ask him for the recipe for his pumpkin pie. No news from Julia Vaux. I am afraid she has typhoid fever. A full force of men on the new barn today and a part of the frame is up.

Tuesday 22. Cold with a keen north wind. The men were all at work and the barn is progressing. Mrs. Waters and Anne Ludlum called. Mr. & Mrs. Lindsley also. Have been reading over this evening some of my European Journal. It brings dear Gertrude so near to me. How entirely and freely she enjoyed it all. I can never be too thankful that I was able to give her so much pleasure as that expensive afforded her. I think I am growing more accustomed to living without her but her memory grows sweeter and more tender to me. The more I think of her the more I find in her lovely character to mark her as one of the rarest of women.

Wednesday 23. Went downtown and bought our Thanksgiving turkey. A postal card came from Sara saying Julia she thought was a little better although very sick. Marian had come home from Dobbs Ferry with a fever and she feared she was going to be ill. The morning was cold and threatening and after dinner it began to snow. It is still snowing this evening. I cut this notice from todays Tribune.

[[newspaper clipping]]
OLMSTED-On the 21st of November, at Albany N.Y., in his 25th year Owen Frederick Olmsted, formerly of New York, late of Wyoming.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

Owen has been out in Wyoming Ter. on a cattle ranch. He was taken very ill and John Olmstead went out to take care of him. I presume they were on their way home, and got so near there as Albany.

Thursday 24. Thanksgiving day. Services in the Baptist church by Mr. Clark. My mother and Gussie went. I did not feel very well and did not go. The ground is white with snow and towards evening it grew cold. The carpenters worked this afternoon. We dined alone. My father & mother, Mrs. Davis, Maurice and Gussie. Our third Thanksgiving since dear Gertrude died. I have thought of her many times today and could not help wondering