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a stranger but afterwards invited him and Rev. Mr. Ewer to come. He looked quiet and serious but I know feels that another sorrowful phase of his life has been closed in the only way possible to insure peace to each of them. Mary and I walked back.

Monday Nov. 28" 1881. Had my studio thoroughly cleaned and then put the carpet down and moved the furniture back. Dined at Marys and went to the Council meeting of the Academy.

Tuesday 29. Went up to Rocks and ordered some clothes and worked the rest of the day getting my bedroom in order. Whittredge invited me to go home with him but I concluded to go home and left by 4 o'clock train. Arrived at home I found a letter from Mary Nesmith and one from Mrs. Sawyer.

Wednesday 30. A good force of men at work on the barn today. The tinners began on the roof and progressed well. It has been a lovely Indian summer day. Genl. Sharpe called to see me about the portrait of his mother which was painted by Vanderlyn and which Shegogue changed. He wants to have it restored to what it originally was and I am to see about it. A letter from Patterson from Omaha and a note from Joe Tribly who he says has been to my room to see me and wants me to let him know when I come to town as he wants to have a talk with me. I am afraid from what I have heard that he is going to try to get a living by painting pictures. This is simply madness, but how can I tell him so. Wrote a note to Whittredge and sent Mr. Clarks check for the ten dollars I found at Council Bluffs to N.C. Patterson, care Pullman Pacific Car Co. Omaha. Wrote to Mrs. Sawyer.

Thursday Dec. 1" 1881.
It began to rain in the night and rained hard until afternoon when I drove down town to do a number of errands. Went over to the cemetery this afternoon and had the satisfaction of seeing our lot entirely completed and the sodding of the border all done. Wrote a note to Mrs. Fred Law Olmstead to express my sympathy at Owens death.

Friday 2. A pleasant day but with a sting in the air. The work went on well and approaches completion. Girards wife sent for me this evening and told me her anxieties about him. I don't know what to do with people who are determined to destroy their happiness and the peace of everyone connected with them.

Saturday 3 Indications of a storm this morning but the men worked all day. I scraped the rosin from the tin roof preparatory to painting, a tedious and disagreeable job. It began to snow about 4 o'clock but the weather is very mild.

Transcription Notes:
Very accurate.