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Sunday Dec. 4 1881 Snowed all day. Girard came over but I was so displeased with him that I got away and went to my room. My mother is unreasonably apologetic for him and this evening she was so unjust to me that I came off to my room. How unhappy these scenes make a household. I try to avoid them but can't always. Maurice does not speak to me nor his mother. One such tormenting character in a household upsets it all and makes every one miserable. Wrote to Lucy. 

Monday 5. Woke with a headache but went to work painting the tin roof of the barn which I did not finish. A pleasant mild day. We will soon bid the weather defiance as the tinners are putting the roof on the stable and shed. A letter from Lucy. 

Tuesday 6. A Miss Teale of Palmville called and wished to see some of my sketches. She telegraphed to me a few days ago but not being familiar with the name I supposed it was for John McEntee. Went over to my studio with her and built a fire and she looked over my sketches. She ordered a little picture for a hundred dollars and is to come to my studio in N.Y. Painted all afternoon on the roof which was very hard work and I got very cold and tired. I have a swelled face from a boil in my nose and so feel pretty miserably. My mother, Gussie and I went down to Sampson Hall to see Janauschek in Frederika Bremers "Mother & Son." It was excellently acted in all its parts, notably the character of Francesca by Mrs. Waldron. Janauschek is an actress of great power but there was a small audience and no enthusiasm although I think the audience was profoundly touched.
Wednesday 7. Have felt very badly all day. Had Dr. Chalker come up to examine my boil. He found it not yet ready to lance although he did prick it a little. It rained in the night and all forenoon but cleared in the afternoon. The masons have gone and soon the carpenters will be done. I hope to go to New York next week. Wrote a short note to Sara.  

Thursday 8. Went down town and paid some bills after which I made a fire in my studio and spent the rest of the day painting a little picture 12 x 14 for Miss Teale. I got it well along and it will not take long to finish it. My boil troubles me greatly particularly in the evening when I am fit for nothing. 

Friday 9. Very busy all day my boil seeming to show a disposition to culminate. Hung the balance of double windows on the house. Had a painter come to paint the roof of stable and shed.