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A letter from Downing wanting me to go to Boston with him tomorrow night to see Booth. Telegraphed I could not: too much boil". Tom brought my birch canoe up from the Point and I put it up in the top of the carriage house. Joe Tomkins came.

Saturday Dec. 10" 1881. A bright cold day with a keen wind from the North and the mountains white with snow. Joe Tomkins and I walked out to the bluff overlooking Wilbur. Two of the young engineers of the West Shore Rail road were there with an instrument and seemed to be signaling the other side the creek. We walked around by John OReillys farm and so home. I paid the mason today and the carpenter a hundred dollars on account. The carpenters finished this evening and we will do no more now until spring. We have been less than a month at the work and have been greatly favored by good weather, but it has cost a little more than I expected it would

Sunday 11. Have been getting my things together to go to New York tomorrow and in doing so came across so many reminders of dear Gertrude in many things she put away with her own hands: work with her needles still attached, her gold thimble and numberless little personal belongings which take on an increasing sacredness to me as a part of her sweet daily life. Over and over I could not keep repeating to myself her blessed name, "dear, dear Gertrude," and thus I have been brought very near to her and have spent the day alone with her.

Monday 12. Very busy getting ready to go to N.Y. Built a fire in my studio and packed my sketches and then took them down to the Carvell. Left home by the evening train and was at my rooms by 9.30. Worked putting things in order until 11 oclock. My furniture which I had painted had come and was very

Tuesday 13. Awoke with a violent headache and nausea evidently the result of a "cruller" I ate at Pokeepsie. I had got very tired before I left home and my digestion was interfered with. Was not able to have my breakfast until nearly noon after which I began to mend and was all right by dinner time. Sade come over and put my closet in order for me.

Wednesday 14. Rainy and very warm. Have sat in my rooms with the windows open and no fire. Worked all day getting things in order in my bed room and am about settled now. A young man from Syracuse called and showed me his water color sketches which were very good except for some imitations of other painters. Went to the Club to the first semi=monthly meeting. Weir was there. I cant help a feeling that we are growing apart. I think he is infatuated with new ways of Art and ways that are hateful to me. I dont think he has cared as much for me lately as he once did and such a discovery is always a melancholy one.