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she made quite a long call. Said her father would want one of my pictures and that he would come to see me. Julia Gifford Wilkinson and her daughter Edith called, Edith a great girl, taller than her mother. She talked to me about a family monument and seemed desirous to get some suggestion. Says Mary is improving and is still with them. Mr. Boynton & Mr. Mitchell came in, Mitchell is a cousin of Mrs. Pomeroy nee Hoffman who was in Rome with us. Richards came. Wants a picture. I think he is interested in selling my work. Skinner called. At half past four I went up to Mrs. Whitelaw Reids reception. It was not raining then fortunately but otherwise as sloppy and dismal as possible. Met Judge Robertson the new collector who was the cause of the Conkling defection also his wife a pleasant lady who knew my pictures. By the way how pleasant these people who know what we have done. Mrs. Eastman Johnson was there, Mr & Mrs B[[?]] Stedman, Mrs. Barnard and a number of my friends. Reid was very cordial and friendly as he always has been with me. He introduced me to a very pretty young lady Miss Remington who he said was the prettiest girl in the room and I think he was right. Joe and Gussie were at dinner. I awoke late and breakfasted with them at the Brevart. Wrote to Miss Nesmith yesterday that with her permission I would call on her this evening but not hearing from her did not go. A note from Miss Teale wanting me to call on her under the impression it is not the correct thing to call alone at my studio, the giddy young creature. 

Friday Dec. 30. 1881. Downing and I called at Dunlaps to see about the "Millinoket hat" were told that we could see Mr. D at the factory in 7th Av. Went there. He had not arrived but was expected. Waited a while. Downing had to go and I remained. Presently he came in and I had an interview with. Found he knew me and my pictures. Had a very satisfactory interview and accomplished more than I hoped. He thought it a novelty and was interested. Told me to get enough braid for a hat which he would make up nicely. Then we would find out about getting a supply of braid and would determine hereafter how we could arrange to manufacture and introduce them. He seemed to think it a promising venture and said there were often excellent results from such things. Altogether most encouraging. Painted on a little picture I began last spring. Mrs. Lacy called. Was to take her to see Boynton but he was out of town. Called on Mrs. Taylor this evening and then went to the club where