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Monday Jan. 4, 1882. Commenced Miss Teales picture and worked all day uninterruptedly. A letter from Booth in which he consults me about doing some things to advance Downings interests. Downing and I came over to my room after dinner and braided birch bark until nearly midnight. Wrote a note to Miss Nesmith inviting her to lunch with me on Friday to meet Mary and Gussie.

Thursday 5 The weather continues cold and I am glad of it. Edwina arrived this morning and breakfasted with us. Booth had to go to Lawrence Huthars to breakfast and so I have not seen him. Painted until 2 oclock on Miss Teales picture when Skinner came in and asked me to go to the Union Sq. Theatre to see Clara Morris in the "New Magdalen" which I did. It is one of the watery plays but still interesting and she is an interesting woman. Pinchot came in last night just as I was going out to dinner to invite me to go up to dine with him but as Downing was to come to my room I declined. I am to go there to tea on Sunday. A long letter from Lucy giving me a full account of all her Xmas doings which was most interesting to me. The violin arrived in good order except that the box was broken and Sedgwick was very delighted and is trying to learn to play. Went to the club a little while and wrote a letter to the Committee for Hutton then to my room where I braided bark for an hour or more. A note from Miss Nesmith telling me she will come to lunch tomorrow.

Friday 6". A rainy day. I had my little lunch party consisting of Mary, Gussie and Miss Nesmith and it was a success. Went up to Eastmans in the evening and he and I called on Mrs. Gifford at the Sherwood, the first time I have ever been in the building. Went back to Eastmans and staid until near midnight.

Saturday 7. Did not go home today. Painted all day on Miss Teales picture and am getting it in better shape although it does not please me. Went to the club this evening we did not have a very good time. It discourages me to feel how unable I am to enjoy general society. I feel constrained and am not able to enjoy myself. I miss some of the old companions and I came to my room with some thing of a feeling of depression. I wish I could be more genial but I dont seem to learn the art. I miss my dear Gertrude when I come home as I did tonight feeling that I am not able to meet my fellows as I wish I could. The Artist Fund had their reception tonight. I received no invitation although Eastman sent me a card last night. I did not go and have to confess that I do not enjoy these miscellaneous gatherings of the artists. There are so many strange faces that I feel irritated. I presume it will end in staying away altogether.